Course duration & style:
Hybrid Modular - online & distance learning with 1 week classroom & practical

Course aim:
The purpose of this 3 week intensive course is to provide a thorough and in depth understanding of visual impairment, visual impairment services and the myriad range of strategies and equipment that can be employed in order to assist those with a visual impairment.


Course objectives:
At the end of this course participants will be able to:

  • Understand and describe the anatomy of the eye and its functioning
  • Explain the most common visual pathologies and to discuss how they can affect vision
  • Demonstrate the theory of fixation and other strategies that help with control vision loss
  • Know the strategies and techniques used to identify and measure visual fields and to help persons with peripheral field loss and low acuity
  • Explain the strategies and techniques used to help children with a visual impairment
  • Demonstrate the full range of optical devices available
  • Be aware of the psychosocial dimensions of low vision and how this needs to be considered
  • Observe and carry out real life low vision assessments in a clinical setting


Course information:
This course is primarily aimed at Orthoptists and/or dispensing opticians but may be useful to other workers with a general background in the low vision field, such as a rehabilitation officer with considerable experience and knowledge of low vision assessment and therapy.  Students who successfully complete a written project and demonstrate their competence within the practical element of the course will be awarded a Certificate of Competence.

Please contact us for more information about this course